Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why did Muslim is so sensitive with dogs and pigs and why Allah create them

The issues regarding pigs and dogs are geographical issues which differ among country. However, the fundamental issues on these two animals are clear. First of all, we need to believe that Allah did not create anything for nothing including dogs and pigs.

"Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! [3:191]

Every creature that Allah creates will prostrate and worship him in their own way.

And to Allah doth obeisance all that is in the heavens and on earth, whether moving (living) creatures or the angels: for none are arrogant (before their Lord).[16:49]

However, we as human are giving limited knowledge on how all of this creatures worship the almighty Allah.

The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving![17:44]

In Islam, it is clearly being said that we are forbidden from eating the flesh of pork like what is being mentioned In the Holy Quran

Say: "I find not in the message received by me by inspiration any (meat) forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be dead meat, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine,-[Q6:145]

However, for touching it is not being forbid. Meanwhile, for the dogs, we also being forbade by Allah from eating it. Whether it is allowed to touch it or not is a khilaf among the scholars (disagreement among scholars revolving small matter which not cause the faith is shake)

However, all the scholars agree that it is allowed to touch the dogs if both hands and dogs is dry. Some scholars said it is okay to touch them in the wet condition, however Muslim need to wash their hands with one portion of mud water followed by six portion of clean water.

Meanwhile in Malaysia, the issues regarding Pigs and Dogs are very sensitive issues especially among the Malay Muslim. It is because that Malay has being indoctrinated to hate dogs and pigs since they are kids by their parents. The way that they are being upbringing is a factor leading to their behavior toward dogs and pigs.

It is very difficult to change their minds especially the elder generation. The only ways to change the attitude is by implementing the truth to the younger generation.

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