Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is Quran being Copy from Christian scholars or Bible?

First of all, we as a Muslim did not deny that there are some similarity in the content of the Quran and Bible. But it did not means plagiarism as it might comes from the similar source which is Allah almighty.

However, there is a huge difference between al Quran and the Bible which I will mention in another section.

There are few accusation made by non Muslim since the day of Prophet Muhammad still alive until now. One of the famous one, is that the Quran originally wrote based on a teaching by a Roman blacksmith who live outside the Mecca. Allah by himself has answered this accusation in Quran 16:103

We know indeed that they say, "It is a man that teaches him." The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear [Q16:103]

Another accusation is that Prophet Muhammad acquired the Holy Quran from Waraqah B. Naufal, a Christian who acknowledges the prophethood of Muhammad based on the Injeel.

However, prophet Muhammad only meet him twice. One is during his childhood when Waraqah prophesize than Muhammad will become a prophet and the second time is in front of the Ka’abah. At that time, Waraqah is already blind.

Waraqah B. Naufal died three years after the first revelation to prophet Muhammad while the Quran continually revealed for 20 years after the death of Waraqah B. Naufal.

The original copy of Mushaf Uthamni in the Museum of Tashkent which dated 1000+ years

The last accusation is that the bible is wrote base on the Arabic Bible. This is totally nonsense as there is no single Arabic verse of Bible during the time of Prophet Muhammad. The first Arabic old testament is the translation of R.Saadias Gaon which being publish in the year of 900 C.E/ 250 after pprophet died

And the first version of New Testament was translated at the year of 1616 C.E and known as NT Erpenius I.

And the language of the quran itself has being a reference by the Christian in translating the bible into English. This is based on the history of the development of Arabic language. Arabs use a totally different slang in their daily live meanwhile Quran is based on Quraisy dialect.

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