Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Of Jesus Being the “Word of Allah”, “Sign of Allah” and “Spirit of Allah”

Of Jesus Being the “Word of Allah”, “Sign of Allah” and “Spirit of Allah”
By: Brother Muhamad Na’im, FCR Alumni

Christian Claims that Jesus is:

“Jesus, Son of Mary was a Messenger of Allah and His Word” which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by Him (Q4:171)

“That is easy for Me (Allah): And to appoint him as a sign to Mankind and a Mercy from Us” (Q19:21)


Word of Allah or “Kalimattullah” means the help that Allah gives to His prophet (Q7:158), His unlimited power over knowledge (Q18:109, Q31:27), His words as command in Holy Scriptures (Q7:158) and Quran (Q42:24) and His power to create thing over the normal process or to create His Messenger like the creation of Jesus (Q4:171) and Adam (Q2:37)

Signs mean anything that indicates the presence, existence or divinity of Allah. Among his signs including the scientific miracles like the creation of universe which explain the Big Bang Theory, the embryology and also the creation of Jesus like Q19:21.

Meanwhile, spirit is somethings created by Allah which we were given a very limited knowledge regarding it (Q 17:85). What is known to us that spirit underlying his creation. Angel compose of Spirit (Q19:17) and he breath spirit into man (Q32:9). We human, does not know how Allah gives spirit to His creation. For example in man, after the natural embryo development complete, Then Allah will breathe his spirit. But, exception occur in the creation of Adam (Q38:72) and Jesus (4:171) whereby Adam is created from dust and Jesus was conceived with no paternal genes.

By the definition itself, those three words not just specifically refer to Jesus. For the fact is, Allah already give full explaination regarding the creation of Jesus Christ based on the Q4:171 itself. The confusion arises when they quote it mistakenly instead of quoting the whole verse correctly. The verse clearly defined that Jesus is spirit from Allah but not Spirit of Allah. The verse Q4:171 is actually a critic from Allah for Christian that deviates from the fact that Jesus is His Messenger. The context of the verse is as follow

O People of the Scripture! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah, son of Mary was a Messenger of Allah and His Word, which he bestowed on Mary and a spirit, created by Him; so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not: “Three!” Cease! Better for you. For Allah is One Ilah, glorified is He above having a son. To Him belong all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is All-sufficient as a disposer of Affair. (Q4:171)

  1. Allah commands the Christian not to exceed the limit in their religion which means cannot hide the deviation in their religion, adding something new into religion and not to hide the truth.
  2. They can not put false accusation on Allah and never worship anything except Allah.
  3. Allah reminds the Christian that Jesus is a word from Him. Whenever he wants thing to be done, he just say Kun (be) and it will be as instructed by Him. That does not means that He becomes man.
  4. The real interpretation of the verse regarding the Spirit of Allah is that the spirit who is conceived by Mary is giving by Him not that the Spirit of Him entering the wombs of Mary.
  5. Christians are commanded to worship Allah alone and follow his Messenger. They should stop proclaiming the concept of Trinity which is absolutely wrong.
  6. They are strictly forbidden to mention that Allah has offspring.
  7. They are forbidden to take any other protector than Him including Jesus Christ.

Christian use this verse to create confusion among the Muslim just to support their believe base on the verse John 1:1

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

The title of prophet does not means that it is exclusively belong to that prophet only. For examples, Abraham is reffered as Khaleelullah (friends of Allah) but it does not means that other prophets are not the friends of Allah. Mosses is reffered as Kaleemullah (God spoke to Him) But, this does not means that God did not speaks to other prophets. The same thing applied here. “Kalimatullah” means the word from Allah or exactly referred as “messenger of Allah”. Hence, Jesus is not the only messenger of Allah.

Other prophet reffering as word of Allah is John the Baptist. After Zechariah did not have offspring although he is old, He prays hardly to Allah. Then Allah bless him with John the Baptist which Allah refer his birth as miricle as Jesus Birth. (Kun Fa Ya Kun) When Allah wants something, he just says “Be!” and it will Be. (From Q3:38-39)


1) 10 Most Common Questions Asked by Christian about Islam, Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik.
2) Keterangan dan Petunjuk Tentang Nabi Isa a.s.di Dalam al-Qur'an dan Hadits, Abu Rifqah.
3) The Noble Quran “English Translation of Meanings and Commentary”
4) King James Version Bible.

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